Friday 4 February 2011

My Personal Design Statement

I balance imagination and creativity with a pragmatic and positive design attitude to reveal the beauty and lure of urban spaces.  I welcome challenges and readily adapt to new situations and ways of thinking.
I think that cities and urban areas should be spaces in which to socialise, relax and enjoy, making them stress-relieving and calming within the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I plan to do this by designing spaces in which people want to move through and open up the area so they are more inviting and not fenced off.
I believe that architecture and the streetscape should work together, creating flow so that people can easily navigate their way through the landscape and enjoy the space.
Participation, learning and freedom of creativity are central to the way I think and the design attitude I take. I have strong design leadership and believe that that we should design without boundaries so that creativity isn’t crushed within the design process.
Urban spaces that inspire me are places such as the highline in New York, New Road in Brighton and the steps outside Liverpool Street Station, London. The culture of these places shines through and this is crucial not to forget when designing any space.

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